January 7, 2013

Sega Genesis Podcast Episodes

Tired of reading about your favorite retro console? Then listen to some awesome podcast episodes! There's so much to love here! We've got Retronauts and VGEmpire with histories and retrospectives. There's SegaBits with a classic throw-down between Genesis and SNES, and a couple trips down memory lane. There's several hours of excellent Sega Genesis coverage here from different corners of the globe. Time for some great early 90's Sega nostalgia. Enjoy!

♫ Retronauts: Genesis - Part 1
Retronauts celebrates 20 years of Sega Genesis

♫ Retronauts: Genesis - Part 2
Retronauts discusses some great Genesis games

♫ VGEmpire: Episode 6 - Mega Drive Medley
VGEmpire talks about Sega Genesis music

♫ SegaBits: Episode 37 - 16-bit Smackdown
SegaBits talks Genesis vs. Super Nintendo

♫ TooOldToGrowUp: Sega Genesis
TOTGU talks about memories of the Sega Genesis

♫ James Woodcock: Episode 16 - Sega Nostalgia
James covers nostalgia for Sega consoles, including Genesis

NOTICE! If you enjoy these podcasts, please support the creators by subscribing to them.

January 6, 2013

Sega Genesis "Crash Course" Playlist

The Sega Genesis (or Mega Drive) was badass back in 1990, and not much has changed! Fortunately, unlike the NeoGeo, it was affordable back then and still is today. I remember getting "mine" in 1991 for my sister's birthday. Well.., that is, I ended up playing it a lot more than she did, so... yeah. Anyway, where do I begin? The machine was jet black and came with an attitude. It had amazing 16-bit graphics and one of the best sound chips I've ever heard. Oh, did I mention BLAST PROCESSING..? The Genesis had freaking BLAST PROCESSING, and that had me sold from day one! It would take a nearly perfect console such as this to do battle with Nintendo's looming juggernaut, the Super Nintendo, and it would be one of the closest fight in history.

Suppose you were one of those who stuck with their trusty NES, waiting for it's younger brother to come along... Perhaps you were unwilling to split your heart (and wallet) between to systems. Well then you missed out on a console equally as epic as it's rival SNES! That's okay though, because your here to fix that. Here's a "crash course" playlist to get you up to speed on all things Sega Genesis. With reviews from SilverMongoose, Classic Game Room and HappyConsoleGamer along with some hilarious videos from the guys at Awesome Video Games, this playlist is pure 16-bit gold! And remeber, "Genesis DOES what NintenDON'T."

1-2. SilverMongoose with Genesis review and buyers guide
3. Video Games with James shares a detailed history
4. Classic Game Room offers a humorous Genesis review
5. HappyConsoleGamer with childhood Genesis memories
6-7. Awesome Video Games do a slapstick Genesis intro
8. ScrewAttack's TOP 20 Genesis games
9. Sega's original promo for the actiVator control
10. Cheesy 90's Sega Genesis commercials

NOTICE! If you enjoy these videos, please support the creators by subscribing to their channels.